Text message reminders are cool, right?
Due to the overwhelming feedback from our customers, it’s become clear that a large number of our users were missing the text reminders.
The fact is that many of our customers really like classic email reminders but some still prefer text reminders. We can’t change the way people want to work, so the text reminders are one of the key tools our customers want.
Thus, the idea for Text Message Reminder Scheduling was born and we’re very excited to roll it out to users over the coming weeks. You not only get reminders yourself but you can also schedule SMS reminders for your contact list.
Text messaging is a fundamental platform when reaching out to your team or clients. Did you know research shows individuals read an SMS within the first four minutes of receiving it? We feel that the text messages are still one of the fastest & secure way to communicate, and the reasons why text messaging is a better way to communicate with users than anything you’re using now.
It’s going to be a big update and a big step forward in addressing the majority of the concerns we’ve been hearing from customers since the introduction of Remindax. We are always listening and we’re trying to turn that feedback around as quick as we can.
If you have thoughts you’d like to share on the Text Message Reminders or anything else regarding Remindax, we’d love to hear from you!