What are Subscription Addons?

What are Subscription Addons

Subscription Addons typically are best utilized to gate specific features which are useful only to specific segment or industry, giving customers the ability to customize their subscription plan based on which features they need.

Remindax has recently introduced subscription addons to give it’s customers more flexibility on feature selection and more importantly, the cost.

What are the benefits?

With custom addon selection, you can select features which are more useful in your particular industry or use-case. And if you are running out of resources such as reminders, contacts, file storage or users, just select an addon and you are good to go.

Addons are not only helpful in expanding your subscription capabilities but also an important factor in your monthly or annual cost control. With custom addon selection you will pay only for the resources you use eliminating the cost of resources which are not used by you.

Can I select multiple addons?

Yes, you can select multiple subscription addons. You can select addons at any time while your subscription is active. So whenever you feel that you need more reminders, more storage space, more contacts or more users; simply select a relevant addon and your subscription will get more resources instantly.

How Addons are charged?

Remindax subscription addons are charged on monthly or annual basis. If you choose a new addon anytime during your subscription period, it will be charged on prorated billing basis.

Prorated billing refers to the technique of charging customers only for the period they have used your service or product. It is a fair practice. Customers pay only for the days they have used a product or service.

How Prorated billing works. Remindax Subscriptions.
How Prorated billing works. Remindax Subscriptions.

How to I subscribe to addons?

New customers can select addons from the pricing page.

Subscription addons

Select the addons you want to subscribe and it will be added to your monthly or annual subscription.

Subscription Addons

If you are already a paying customer, then go to subscription page and select the addons tab.

Addons for customers
Sadaqat Ghafoor

Sadaqat Ghafoor

CEO & Founder @Remindax